Sabtu lepas iaitu besamaan dengan 8.9.07..kampeni aku wat dinner...dekat one of the most luxurious hotels in Malaysia.. hmm..either 5 or 6 stars ...x seriyes..ballroom die mmg vass giteww...
since we all dari rumah x bape kuar umah dlm kul 7 lebih camtu..smpi saner before 8 lar..orang x ramai lagi time tu....aku pilih menu chinese food...
disebabkan aku x tampal lah gambar2 food tu...makruh..ekkekekeke
kang meleleh air liur korang..sape yg malew...mereka dan kuarga mereka jugak yg malew.....
The theme for the night was ARENA OF STARS..mcm bunyik genting highland je konon2nya ada sesi red carpet, ala2 grammy award gitewww..aku merasa lah lalu red karpet..dan juga kat luar tu ada lah org yg kena intebiu ala2 red kapet salu tew...kekekeke
food was nice, the place and sorrunding was cozy...the waitress a bit slow..but OK lar coz yg serve my table was good enough :) ...sume pun foreigners..and the entertainers for the night were Noryn Aziz (her voice pergh..power gila...but yet MY SITI is the best EVA..!!..Hihihihii...) and Faizal OIAM..biasalah nih........dah byak kali tengok live show nothing extravaganza from him..hihihihii.....
aku dpt lucky draw..fuyyo..fes taim neh..teruja giler..siap terjerit lagi..(tp dlm hati lah).....
Overall,..aku bagi seploh markah..utk organizer....everything went smoothly...well organized bla..bla..bla....
tu jelah entry tertunggak for last week....
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